
Display Book Cover Images in Koha OPAC | Enable Book Cover Images in Koha OPAC

By Technical Digit

Enabling Amazon Indian Book Cover Images in Koha

Koha can display book cover images in search results by fetching the images from Amazon, if you enable the OPACAmazonCoverImages preference in Koha. Furthermore, clicking on the image sends the user to the Amazon site for find more details about the book like author name and ISBN and so on.
Follow the below steps to Display Book Cover Images in Koha OPAC:
Step 1 – Go to Administration -> Global System preferences -> Enhanced content.
Step 2 – Enable the OPACAmazonCoverImages preference.
Step 3 – Enter the Below ID in the AmazonAssocTag preference.
Step 4 – Now Confirm that you can select “Indian” for the AmazonLocale preference.
Step 5 – Select “Indian” and save.
Step 6 – Open a record in the OPAC and confirm that the cover image links to Amazon.in
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