Category: phpMyAdmin


How to Install Java, Tomcat, MySQL, phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 20.04 in GCP/AWS Intance

Before you deploy any Web Application on your Ubuntu Server, You have to install Java , Tomcat Server, MySql Database, phpMyAdmin etc. First of all open Terminal on GCP Ubuntu Instance OR connect your AWS Ubuntu Instance in Putty Software through SSH. Login as root and update > sudo su > apt-get update Install JAVA (OpenJDK) Run below command to install OpenJDK 11 > sudo […]


Install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu

After installing MySql/MariaDB Database Server, You can easily install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu Machine.Follow the steps below:1. Update the package index and upgrade the system packages to the latest versions:     > sudo apt update     > sudo apt upgrade  (optional)2. Install the phpMyAdmin package     > sudo apt install phpmyadmin3. Choose apache2 by pressing Space Key and then Enter on Keyboard, when a popup screen appears.4. Next, you will be asked […]