Category: Ubuntu


Dspace Backup Commands | How to Setup Automatic Daily Backup of Dspace Database & Files

Create a script for daily automatic DSpace backup of Database & Repository using Dspace Backup Commands in Terminal. Here is how you take the backup of your Dspace Server. In this process we will create dspace backup file for below 3 things:   1. PostgreSQL Database.   2. Dspace File System (dspace/assetstore directory).   3. Dspace Log Files. (dspace/log directory). To setup Automatic Daily Dspace […]


How to Install Koha on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS | Install Koha on Ubuntu (with easy steps)

You can easily install Koha on Ubuntu Operating system using below process. In this process we will install latest stable version of Koha on Ubuntu. Open Terminal in your Ubuntu machine for Koha Installation. Update Ubuntu OS using below commands: sudo su apt-get update apt-get upgrade Install Leafpad Text Editor apt-get install leafpad Add Koha Community Repository & Trusted Repository Key sudo echo deb […]


Install Anydesk on Ubuntu | Install Teamviewer on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/21.04

Install Anydesk on Ubuntu Run the following commands as root user: sudo su Enter login password when prompt. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade wget -qO – | apt-key add – echo “deb all main” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/anydesk-stable.list sudo apt update sudo apt install anydesk That’s it, Anydesk is ready to use. Uninstall Anydesk on Ubuntu sudo apt-get purge anydesk Install TeamViewer 0n Ubuntu Run […]


Koha Reports – SQL Reports for Koha 20.05, 20.11 & 21.05

Koha Reports: You can easily add customized SQL reports in Koha Report Module. Accession Register – Sorted by Barcode SELECT CONCAT(”,biblio.biblionumber,”) AS biblionumbers, items.barcode, items.itemcallnumber, biblioitems.isbn,, biblio.title, biblioitems.pages, biblioitems.publishercode,, biblio.copyrightdate,items.price FROM items LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) ORDER BY LPAD (items.barcode,40,’ ‘) ASC Detailed Accession Register SELECT oo.dateaccessioned AS ‘Date’, oo.barcode AS ‘Acc. No./Barcode’, ooo.title AS ‘Title’, […]


How to Install Java, Tomcat, MySQL, phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 20.04 in GCP/AWS Intance

Before you deploy any Web Application on your Ubuntu Server, You have to install Java , Tomcat Server, MySql Database, phpMyAdmin etc. First of all open Terminal on GCP Ubuntu Instance OR connect your AWS Ubuntu Instance in Putty Software through SSH. Login as root and update > sudo su > apt-get update Install JAVA (OpenJDK) Run below command to install OpenJDK 11 > sudo […]


Koha Auto Increment Fix | How to fix Koha Auto Increment Problem

Follow these steps to apply the solution for the “library” instance for Koha Auto Increment Fix: sudo gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf Locate the [mysqld] section and add: init-file=/var/lib/mysql/init-file_koha_fix.sql sudo gedit /var/lib/mysql/init-file_koha_fix.sql Copy following code and paste into “init-file_koha_fix.sql” file. USE koha_library;   SET @new_AI_borrowers = ( SELECT GREATEST( IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(borrowernumber) FROM borrowers ), 0 ), IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(borrowernumber) FROM deletedborrowers ), 0 ) ) + […]


Koha Data Migration in Koha Software | How to Convert Excel File into MARC Format (Part: #2)

Koha Data Migration Process: How to Convert Excel File into MARC for Data Migration in Koha 20.04/20.11/21.05 In this video, we will convert Excel Data into Marc Format for importing the Bibliographic Records of Books to Koha Software (Open Source Library Software). You can download Excel File Format from Above Download Button for MARC Conversion   Also Read: How to Customize MARC Framework in Koha […]


Install Koha Software on Ubuntu 16.04 & 18.04 LTS

Open Terminal and get ready for installation Update Ubuntu sudo su  apt-get update apt-get upgrade Install Leafpad text editor apt-get install leafpad Add Koha community repository echo deb oldstable main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list wget -O- | sudo apt-key add – Update the software repository sudo apt update Install Koha sudo apt install koha-common Server Configuration In this step, need to edit network […]


Koha Backup | How to Setup Automatic Backup in Koha 21.05

Create Shell Script for Daily Koha Backup To setup Automatic Daily Koha Backup, Follow the below Commands. First of all, Login to root user and create directory for backup. sudo su Enter Login password when prompted. Next, Create Koha Backup directory mkdir koha_backup Allow write permission to this folder sudo chmod 777 koha_backup (Now, Exit from root directory) Create a backup file. sudo gedit koha_backup/ Copy below text into […]


Koha Data Migration | How to Import MARC file into Koha using Terminal

Koha Data Migration is very time consuming process, So you can import you Bibliographic Data into Koha Software by using Terminal Commands In the process of Koha Data Migration, You can import .mrc file into koha directly using Terminal commands. Follow the steps below and run commands one by one carefully: sudo su export PERL5LIB=”/usr/share/koha/lib” export KOHA_CONF=”/etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml” Next, Move your .mrc file into folder where […]