
How to Uninstall MySQL from Windows 7/8/10 Completely

By Technical Digit

Follow the steps to uninstall MySQL Completely from Windows:

NOTE: This method will remove/clean all MySQL databases and instances, so keep backup before going through this process, to save your existing databases.

1. First, Run Command Prompt as Administrator and execute the following command to STOP and REMOVE MySQL service.
> Net stop MySQL
> Sc delete MySQL

2. Now Go to Control Panel >> Programs >> Programs and Features, Select MySQL Server 5.x and click Uninstall. (If you uninstall MySQL from Control Panel)

3. Open Windows Explorer and go to Organize > Folder and search options, Select the “View” tab and under “Hidden files and Folders” choose “Show hidden files and folders”. Now go to following locations and delete MySQL folder from all locations.
C:/Program Files/MySQL
C:/Program Files (x86)/MySQL
C:/Users[User-Name]/AppData/Roaming/MySQL (if exists, delete it too)

4. Restart your PC and reinstall MySQL. That’s all!

Applicable for :
Windows 7/8/10 (32bit & 64bit)
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2008
Windows Vista

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