
Install JBoss as Service in Windows | How to Run JBoss 7 as Windows Service

By Technical Digit

This is short article How to Install JBoss as Service in Windows. You can easily run JBoss 7 as Windows Service by following below steps.

1. Open a command prompt as Administrator.
2. Change directories to the <JBOSS_HOME>bin directory.
3. Type the command: service.bat install and press Enter.
4. A message displays stating “Service <JBoss Version> installed” .
5. You can now start and stop JBoss from the Windows Services manager.

Logs will be written to <JBOSS_HOME>binstartup.log and <JBOSS_HOME>binshutdown.log, when service starts and stops JBoss Server. These logs are written in addition to the logs produced by the application server when JBoss is not run as a windows service.

To uninstall JBoss as Service in Windows, open a command prompt as before and type the following command: service.bat uninstall

Reference: https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/17.3/Setting_up_JBoss_as_a_Windows_Service.html

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