Follow these steps to apply the solution for the “library” instance for Koha Auto Increment Fix:
sudo gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf
- Locate the [mysqld] section and add:
sudo gedit /var/lib/mysql/init-file_koha_fix.sql
- Copy following code and paste into “init-file_koha_fix.sql” file.
USE koha_library; SET @new_AI_borrowers = ( SELECT GREATEST( IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(borrowernumber) FROM borrowers ), 0 ), IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(borrowernumber) FROM deletedborrowers ), 0 ) ) + 1 ); SET @sql = CONCAT( 'ALTER TABLE borrowers AUTO_INCREMENT = ', @new_AI_borrowers ); PREPARE st FROM @sql; EXECUTE st; SET @new_AI_biblio = ( SELECT GREATEST( IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(biblionumber) FROM biblio ), 0 ), IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(biblionumber) FROM deletedbiblio ), 0 ) ) + 1 ); SET @sql = CONCAT( 'ALTER TABLE biblio AUTO_INCREMENT = ', @new_AI_biblio ); PREPARE st FROM @sql; EXECUTE st; SET @new_AI_biblioitems = ( SELECT GREATEST( IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(biblioitemnumber) FROM biblioitems ), 0 ), IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(biblioitemnumber) FROM deletedbiblioitems ), 0 ) ) + 1 ); SET @sql = CONCAT( 'ALTER TABLE biblioitems AUTO_INCREMENT = ', @new_AI_biblioitems ); PREPARE st FROM @sql; EXECUTE st; SET @new_AI_items = ( SELECT GREATEST( IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(itemnumber) FROM items ), 0 ), IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(itemnumber) FROM deleteditems ), 0 ) ) + 1 ); SET @sql = CONCAT( 'ALTER TABLE items AUTO_INCREMENT = ', @new_AI_items ); PREPARE st FROM @sql; EXECUTE st; SET @new_AI_issues = ( SELECT GREATEST( IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(issue_id) FROM issues ), 0 ), IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(issue_id) FROM old_issues ), 0 ) ) + 1 ); SET @sql = CONCAT( 'ALTER TABLE issues AUTO_INCREMENT = ', @new_AI_issues ); PREPARE st FROM @sql; EXECUTE st; SET @new_AI_reserves = ( SELECT GREATEST( IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(reserve_id) FROM reserves ), 0 ), IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(reserve_id) FROM old_reserves ), 0 ) ) + 1 ); SET @sql = CONCAT( 'ALTER TABLE reserves AUTO_INCREMENT = ', @new_AI_reserves ); PREPARE st FROM @sql; EXECUTE st;
- Delete all the entries from both the tables “issue” and “old_issue” from Koha Database using following commands.
sudo mysql -uroot -p
Enter root password
use koha_library;
DELETE FROM old_issues;
- Run following command to Restart MySQL
sudo service mysql restart
Now Go to your Koha About Section and check for Koha Auto Increment Fix.
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