Technical Digit Blog

How to Customize MARC Framework in Koha Software| Download Customize Bibliographic Framework

Download Customized Bibliographic Framework Koha MARC Framework Customization:  Before we start cataloging in Koha Software, we need a customized MARC bibliographic framework. MARC Framework is a templates for creating new bibliographic records in Koha Software. Koha comes with some predefined marc frameworks and librarians can create their own frameworks for content…

Install Anydesk on Ubuntu | Install Teamviewer on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/21.04

Install Anydesk on Ubuntu Run the following commands as root user: sudo su Enter login password when prompt. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade wget -qO - | apt-key add - echo "deb all main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/anydesk-stable.list sudo apt update sudo apt install anydesk That’s it, Anydesk is ready…

How to Install OPAC in SOUL | Configure Web OPAC in SOUL2.0 Software

Note: Before you Install OPAC in SOUL2.0 please check that IIS 6 or higher has been enabled in your SOUL server. To install OPAC in SOUL 2.0 Server, Execute setup.exe in “S20WEB” folder from SOUL2.0 Installation CD . There are instances that some of IIS configuration may not allow direct…

Koha OPAC Customization | How to Change OPAC Header in Koha 20.05

Koha OPAC Customization is very simple process in latest version of Koha. Koha OPAC has many sections i.e. Header, Left Navigation(Upper & Bottom), Main User Block, Right Navigation and Footer. We can easily customize these sections using HTML & CSS.(see below image) The above sections can be customized using Koha…

Koha Reports – SQL Reports for Koha 20.05, 20.11 & 21.05

Koha Reports: You can easily add customized SQL reports in Koha Report Module. Accession Register – Sorted by Barcode SELECT CONCAT('',biblio.biblionumber,'') AS biblionumbers, items.barcode, items.itemcallnumber, biblioitems.isbn,, biblio.title, biblioitems.pages, biblioitems.publishercode,, biblio.copyrightdate,items.price FROM items LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON (items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber) LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber) ORDER BY LPAD (items.barcode,40,' ') ASC…

Enable SIP2 Server in Koha | How to Start SIP Server in Koha Software

You have to Enable SIP2 Server in Koha Software to integrate RFID System in your Library. Use following command to Enable SIP2 Server. Open Terminal and run below command to enable SIP2 Server sudo koha-enable-sip library (Here ‘library’ is instance name) Next, Start SIP2 Server sudo koha-start-sip library To Stop…

Add Local Repository to BitBucket/GitHub

Create an account on BitBucket/GitHub. Create new respository in BitBucket/GitHub. And you will get a http clone url with .git extension as below.git clone Next go to your local project/directory in Git Bash Terminal. cd /path_to_local_folder/repo Init your project as git repository git init Connect your local repository to…

DSpace Customization

DSpace Customization : Change header image in Dspace JSPUI InterfacePrepare a header image and place in Dspace foldere.g. cp header.png /opt/tomcat/webapps/jspui/image Hide Dspace brand headingOpen header-default.jsp file using Terminal. Apply following commands, sudo sugedit /opt/tomcat/webapps/jspui/layout/header-default.jsp Find following lines Replace the red marked code with Save and close the file. Total Views: 1452

Koha Auto Increment Fix | How to fix Koha Auto Increment Problem

Follow these steps to apply the solution for the “library” instance for Koha Auto Increment Fix: sudo gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf Locate the [mysqld] section and add: init-file=/var/lib/mysql/init-file_koha_fix.sql sudo gedit /var/lib/mysql/init-file_koha_fix.sql Copy following code and paste into “init-file_koha_fix.sql” file. USE koha_library;   SET @new_AI_borrowers = ( SELECT GREATEST( IFNULL( ( SELECT MAX(borrowernumber) FROM…

Install Koha Software on Ubuntu 16.04 & 18.04 LTS

Open Terminal and get ready for installation Update Ubuntu sudo su  apt-get update apt-get upgrade Install Leafpad text editor apt-get install leafpad Add Koha community repository echo deb oldstable main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list wget -O- | sudo apt-key add – Update the software repository sudo apt update…

RFID Library Automation Videos

Please click on below links for watching RFID Library Automation Videos: RFID Library Management & Security System Installed at Morigaon College, Assam Attendance Management System using Barcode in Library (Gate Entry Register with Koha Software) RFID Book Tagging Process in CIT Kokrajhar Library using SOUL 2.0 Software (RFID LIBRARY-RFID TAG)…

Install JBoss as Service in Windows | How to Run JBoss 7 as Windows Service

This is short article How to Install JBoss as Service in Windows. You can easily run JBoss 7 as Windows Service by following below steps. 1. Open a command prompt as Administrator. 2. Change directories to the <JBOSS_HOME>bin directory. 3. Type the command: service.bat install and press Enter. 4. A message displays stating “Service <JBoss…

Koha Backup | How to Setup Automatic Backup in Koha 21.05

Create Shell Script for Daily Koha Backup To setup Automatic Daily Koha Backup, Follow the below Commands. First of all, Login to root user and create directory for backup. sudo su Enter Login password when prompted. Next, Create Koha Backup directory mkdir koha_backup Allow write permission to this folder sudo chmod 777 koha_backup (Now,…

Koha Data Migration | How to Import MARC file into Koha using Terminal

Koha Data Migration is very time consuming process, So you can import you Bibliographic Data into Koha Software by using Terminal Commands In the process of Koha Data Migration, You can import .mrc file into koha directly using Terminal commands. Follow the steps below and run commands one by one…

Install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu

After installing MySql/MariaDB Database Server, You can easily install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu Machine.Follow the steps below:1. Update the package index and upgrade the system packages to the latest versions:     > sudo apt update     > sudo apt upgrade  (optional)2. Install the phpMyAdmin package     > sudo apt install phpmyadmin3. Choose apache2 by pressing Space…

Reset Password in MySQL | How to fix Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’

Set/Reset Password in MySQL use mysql; SET PASSWORD FOR ‘root’@’localhost’ = PASSWORD(‘newpassword’); OR ALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘newpassword’; OR UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string = PASSWORD(‘newpassword’), password_expired = ‘N’ WHERE User = ‘koha_library’ AND Host = ‘localhost’; flush privileges; Mysql(Ubuntu): How to fix Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ sudo mysql…

Install EXE as Windows Service

Follow below steps to install exe as Windows Service. Open Command Prompt as Administrator Run the following command: sc create service_name binpath=C:pathtobinary [option1] [option2] [optionN] Here is an example: sc create RFSERVICE binPath="D:RFIDMultipleSocketServer.exe" ^ DisplayName="RFSERVICE" start=auto If this worked you should see: [SC] CreateService SUCCESS You can delete a service…

Disable Windows 10 Update | Stop Automatic Updates on Windows 10

Are you really want to disable Windows 10 Update Feature? You can stop Windows 10 Update through Group Policy The Group Policy feature is only available in Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise, or Education Editions. You have to use the Group Policy Editor to change the settings to prevent Windows 10…

How to Install TeamViewer on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 LTS

TeamViewer is very popular software for Remote Access. You can Install TeamViewer on Ubuntu by following the process below. Open up the Terminal and enter following command: $ sudo apt install gdebi-core Next, download the latest TeamViewer package: $ wget Lastly, install the previously downloaded package using below command: $…

Dspace Installation & Configuration on Ubuntu

Install DSpace 6.x on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS by Vimal Kumar Install DSpace 5.6 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS by Vimal Kumar Installing DSpace 5.5 on Lubuntu/Ubuntu 14.04 LTS by DKTripathi Install DSpace 5.x on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS by Vimal Kumar Total Views: 1955

Configure a User Account to Log On Automatically on Windows 7

1. Click Start, type netplwiz, and then press Enter. 2. In the User Accounts dialog box, click the account you want to automatically log on to.If it is available, clear the Users Must Enter A User Name And Password To Use This Computer check box. 3. Click OK.  4. In the Automatically Log On dialog…

How to Uninstall MySQL from Windows 7/8/10 Completely

Follow the steps to uninstall MySQL Completely from Windows: NOTE: This method will remove/clean all MySQL databases and instances, so keep backup before going through this process, to save your existing databases. 1. First, Run Command Prompt as Administrator and execute the following command to STOP and REMOVE MySQL service.…

Excel: Convert Currency Number to Words/Text

Many times we require to change the Numbers in Words. For Example: 6734862=Sixty Seven Lakhs Thirty Four Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Two. In Excel, there is no Formula as such to Convert Numbers in Words. I have written one UDF : User Defined Function. After using this Function, you will…

Linux Bootable USB Creator

Linux Bootable USB Creator      Universal USB Installer aka UUI is a Live Linux Bootable USB Creator that allows you to choose from a selection of Linux Distributions to put on your USB Flash Drive. The Universal USB Installer is easy to use. Simply choose a Live Linux Distribution, the ISO file,…

GoDaddy Workspace Email Setup Center

Email Server Settings Server Standard Ports Incoming server (POP3): 110, 995 (SSL) Incoming server (IMAP): 143, 993 (SSL) Outgoing server (SMTP): 80, 3535, 25, 465 (SSL) Total Views: 533
Total Views: 11030